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Trekking Maroantsetra - Cap Est - Antalaha - Sambava

5,486 bytes added, 12:56, 22 June 2020
This moderate hiking is 9 Days and 8 Nights

We offer to exploring by small hiking to give adventurers the flexibility and easy to travel some of the most fascinating and remote destinations on Earth. Not only we enjoy to hike in the rainforest and across the corridor Analanjirofo and SAVA, and picnic lunch, dinner camping on the river side, jungle and in outdoor but also we discover the tropical reserve Farankarainana in the first day to observe Ring tailed mongoose, Bamboo lemur, Aye–Aye; and Ambatolaidama there is the part of Masoala Natioal Park at the fourth day to observe the Red ruffed lemer, Red Red fronted, blue, Red breasted coua, chaber’s, rufous, blue Vanga

Day 1: Maroantsetra to Farankarainana (B/L/D)

Depart from Maroantsetra to Farankarainana First transfer from the airport then to harbor, board a local boat to get Adranofotsyin 1h 30mn on the river. And then continue to walk in 1h to reach Farankarainana. The road is good for walking, establishing at the camping. Picnic lunch on the camp then swimming and relaxing on the beautiful beach, exploring the nature through the ring-tailed mongoose, white fronted brown lemur, bamboo lemur,… And night walk to search the nocturnal animals especially greater dwarf lemur, mousse lemur, several birds, snakes and reptiles species, of course the Aye-Aye we often find on this reserve. Dinner and night at camp site Fankarainana.

Day 2: Farankarainana to Fizôno (B/L/D)

Breakfast and departure. We’ll spend a full morning hiking, picnic lunch on the road, hoping to connect with the local tribe on the northeast, Chameleon, Snake, beautiful landscape and rice field,… This is the way stile good for hiking but sometimes muddy and slippery under step after rain. In the afternoon establishing the camping. Dinner and night at camp Fizôno

Day 3: Fizôno – Ambatolaidama (B/L/D)

Breakfast departure to Ambatolaidama. You will also have the opportunity to meet with the Betsimisaraka people of Village to learn about their traditions and daily life. Start here the trail are tough, steep slopes, mud, and river crossings will make for a truly adventurous day. Dinner and night at camp Ambatolaidama.

Day 4: Ambatolaidama – Ampôkafo (B/L/D)

After Breakfast short visit to discovering Ambatolaidama forest which part of Masoala National Park to visit among the endemic animal on this place: the Red Ruffed Lemur and we may see as well as Birds that can be found here include Helmed Vanga, scaly ground roler, white headed vanga, wood rail and the tree boa, several frogs and reptiles,… After visit the park, lunch and departure to Ampôkafo. This will be a long and strenuous day of hiking, with over 446 meters of elevation. This is the first climb up the mountain. Dinner and night at camp Ampôkafo

Day 5: Ampôkafo – Bevontsira (B/L/D)

Early in the morning we start to live the camp then climb the mountain at 2h to the top. This bulky mountain has the largest caldera of any of the world’s active volcanoes. This will be a long and strenuous day of hiking, with over 1000m of elevation. From the mountain’s top this trip start have many leech, cloud and often rain, tough, muddy, slippery under step roots. Need strong physical condition for hiking and we’ll be strenuous. There will also be opportunities swim on the river Dinner and night at the camp in middle in the Bevontsira’s Forest.

Day 6: Bevontsira – Marivorano (B/L/D)

Breakfast and departure to Bevontsira. This trail often muddy and across several river with slippery rocks, but in our team several porter can be help you in the trip. we will see more lemur, frog, snake, bird and insect. We will connect very marvelous landscape Dinner and night at camp river side Marivorano.

Day 7: Marivorano – Antandavahely (B/L/D)

Continues to across the river time the time and we meet the amazing landscape. You will meet with the local Betsimisaraka people who live within the park boundaries.

Day 8: Antanandavahely – Cap Est (Ambohitralanana) – Antalaha (B/L/D).

Breakfast and board local pirogue from Antanandavahely and transfer to Ambohitralanana in 4 hours. On this trip we’ll see the crocodile in river and. we across the river by pirogue ferry anddrive to Antalaha by local car 4×4 (4h drive). Picnic lunch on the way. Arrival and installation to the gite. Night in Antalaha.

Day 9: Antalaha – Samava – Tana (B)Breakfast at the hotel and transfer to the airport in Samava for flight to Tana.

Departure depend of flight schedule. End of our service.

B: Breakfast

L: Lunch

D: Dinner


Transfer on arrival and departure to the airport, inland navigation (River expedition in from Maroantsetra to Andranofotsy and Antanandavaely to Ambohitralanana), the terrestrial transport suitable in this itinerary (from Ambohitralanana to Sambava), entrance on National Park and Reserve, local guide’s fee, fee for porter, cooker and divers, hotel staff, camping accommodation from beginning to the end, meals mentioned in this tour.


Optional tips for guide, porters, snacks, drinks and alcoholic beverages , the flight, travel assurance, excursion not mentioned in this tour but possible will be negotiate to arrange, all extras in the hotels such as mini bar, telephone calls, room service, laundry service, medical fee, other item and service not indicated as being included. Delays and cancellations of flight will not be covered by Masoala Safaris.

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