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Nosy Antsoha (Mitsio Archipelago)

216 bytes added, 07:56, 4 January 2021
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Nosy Antsoha forms together with [[Nosy Betalinjona]], [[Nosy Betanihazo]] and [[Nosy Beangovo]] the [[Quatre Frères]] (The Four Brothers), four small islets of silver basalt.
<googlemap version="0.9" lat="-12.988469" lon="48.492159" zoom="14" controls="large" div style="width:100%;max-width:600px;">{{#display_map:-12.993596, 48.488382~'''Nosy Antsoha ''' (Mitsio Archipelago)~~;|type=satellite|service=google|width=auto|height=400|zoom=16|controls=pan, zoom, type, scale|copycoords=yes|icon=}}</googlemapdiv== Additional information == View all [[Nosy_Antsoha_(Mitsio_Archipelago)_photos|Nosy Antsoha photos]]

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