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7,527 bytes added, 15:30, 26 November 2024
no edit summary
-18.909712, 47.525278~[[File:Antananarivo002.jpg|left|150px]]<br>'''[[Antananarivo]]'''~~;
-18.762857, 47.518775~[[File:Ambatoharanana 041.jpg|left|150px]]<br>'''[[Ambatoharanana]]'''~~;
-13.682913, 48.452518~[[Ambanja]]~~;
-19.3835, 47.4405~[[Ambatolampy]]~~;
-17.819893, 48.41928~'''[[Ambatondrazaka]]'''~~;
-13.195451, 49.050565~[[Ambilobe]]~~;
-21.106902, 47.214131~[[Ambohimahasoa]]~~;
-13.616304, 48.398877~[[Ambohimena]]~~;
-20.532827, 47.244751~[[Ambositra]]~~;
-14.611450, 50.076500~[[Ambodilalona]]~~;
-17.586103, 48.222116~'''[[Amparafaravola]]'''~~;
-13.613750, 48.378111~'''[[Ampahakabe]]'''~~;
-14.158583, 50.147450~'''[[Ampasy]]'''~~;
-19.041866, 46.733254~[[File:Ampefy 01.jpg|left|150px]]<br>'''[[Ampefy]]'''~~;
-12.325257, 49.251451~[[Anamakia]]~~;
-18.402399, 47.879244~'''[[Anjozorobe]]'''~~;
-12.282078, 49.359351~[[File:Ankorikakely_010.jpg|left|150px|]]<br>'''[[Ankorikakely]]'''~~;
-12.2642050032, 49.1065264586~[[Ampasindava]]~~;
-14.909123, 50.28245~[[File:Antalaha_11.jpg|left|150px|]]<br>'''[[Antalaha]]'''~~;
-19.33187866222919486823, 4647.83471732386607409667~'''[[Antanifotsy]]~~; -19.865983, 47.035722~[[Antsirabe]]~~; -18.909712, 47.525278~[[Antananarivo]]'''~~;
-12.795053, 48.960485~[[Antserosero]]~~;
-14.884613, 47.991757~'''[[Antsohihy]]'''~~;
-19.009277, 47.180936~[[Arivonimamo]]~~;
-14.541091, 48.750715~'''[[Bealanana]]'''~~;
-15.254708, 48.539658~[[BefandrianaNord]]~~;
-1913.210767840417, 4748.487443493690~[[BehenjyFile:Bemaneviky_003.jpg|left|150px]]<br>'''[[Bemaneviky]]'''~~;
-1323.840417719966, 4844.493690381309~[[File:Bemaneviky_003.jpg|left|150px]]<br>'''[[BemanevikyBetioky]]'''~~;
-23.267566, 46.097131~'''[[Betroka]]'''~~;
-12.795196, 49.82234~'''[[Nosy Ankao]]'''~~;
-14.555672, 47.59552~'''[[Nosy_Lava_(Analalava)|Nosy Lava]]''' (Analalava)~~;
-13.301465, 48.250426~'''[[Nosy Be]]'''~~;
-12.744503, 48.682308~'''[[Nosy_Lava_(Mitsio_Archipelago)|Nosy Lava]] ''' (Mitsio Archipelago)~~; -21.735395, 43.292839~'''[[Nosy_Lava_(Morombe)|Nosy Lava]]'''(Morombe)~~;
-13.482714, 48.236847~'''[[Nosy Tanikely]]'''~~;
-18.061088, 44.02256~'''[[Maintirano]]'''~~;
-19.01086, 47.83325~[[Mantasoa]]~~;
-12.646209, 48.962074~'''[[Manirenja]]'''~~;
-15.441679, 49.907725~[[File:Masindrano009.jpg|left|150px|]]<br>'''[[Masindrano]]'''~~;
-14.768103, 49.583733~[[Tanambao Andapa|Tanambao]]~~;
-14.742217, 49.585450~[[Tsaramandroso]]~~;
-14.256564254318, 50.15027157051~[[File:Sambava 331.jpg|150px|left|]]<br>'''[[Sambava]]'''~~;
-13.356385, 50.009079~[[Vohemar]]~~;
-18.944244, 48.230663~[[File:20140729 122346.jpg|left|150px|]]<br>'''[[Moramanga]]'''~~;
-20.291705, 44.278121~[[File:Morondava 0102.jpg|left|150px|]]<br>'''[[Morondava]]'''~~;
-15.410833, 49.867783~[[File:Navana_019.jpg|left|150px|]]<br>'''[[Navana]]'''~~;
-15.592330, 49.924677~[[File:Nandrahanana035.jpg|left|150px|]]<br>'''[[Nandrahanana]]'''~~;
-12.242479, 49.345779~[[Ramena]]~~;
-15.61, 49.945804~[[File:Rantabe005.jpg|left|150px||]]<br>'''[[Rantabe]]'''~~;
-12.319291, 49.392332~[[Ivovono]]~~;
-15.486367, 49.901650~[[File:Iaraka026.jpg|left|150px|]]<br>'''[[Iaraka]]'''~~;
-19.334632, 48.979111~[[File:20140727_163424.jpg|left|150px|]]<br>'''[[Vatomandry]]'''~~;
-15.461083, 49.896278~'''[[Ambolosy]]'''~~;
-14.592236, 50.049311~[[Vohitrarivo]]~~;
-13.869635, 48.518713~'''[[Antanamazava]]'''~~;
-13.88254, 48.528887~'''[[Maevatanana_(Ambanja)|Maevatanana]]''' (Ambanja)~~;
-12.9827, 48.486435~'''[[Nosy Betalinjona]]'''~~;
-13.424905503324215,48.3633258864615~'''[[Nosy Vorona]]'''~~;
-13.510296, 47.961524~'''[[Nosy_Antsoha_(south_of_Nosy_Be)|Nosy Antsoha]]''' (south of Nosy Be)~~;
-21.938906, 47.184391~'''[[Ambohimahamasina]]'''~~;
-21.833775, 46.936426~[[File:Ambalavao 011023.jpg|left|150px|]]<br>'''[[Ambalavao]]'''~~; -21.106902, 47.214131~[[File:20140717 110649.jpg|left|150px|]]<br>'''[[Ambohimahasoa]]'''~~; -20.532827, 47.244751~[[File:20140716 100257.jpg|left|150px|]]<br>'''[[Ambositra]]'''~~; -19.865983, 47.035722~[[File:Antsirabe_048.jpg|left|150px|]]<br>'''[[Antsirabe]]'''~~; -19.837837, 46.855462~[[File:20140714 095906.jpg|left|150px|]]<br>'''[[Betafo]]'''~~; -19.3835, 47.4405~[[File:20140711_150646.jpg|left|150px|]]<br>'''[[Ambatolampy]]'''~~; -19.026582, 46.687474~'''[[Antafofo]]'''~~; -19.210757, 47.487406~[[File:Behenjy_001.jpg|left|150px|]]<br>'''[[Behenjy]]'''~~; -19.009277, 47.180936~'''[[Arivonimamo]]'''~~; -19.01086, 47.83325~'''[[Mantasoa]]'''~~; -18.921127, 47.811175~[[File:20140730 064837.jpg|left|150px|]]<br>'''[[Manjakandriana]]'''~~; -21.452749, 47.088861~'''[[Fianarantsoa]]'''~~; -25.030503117868847,46.98895423242187~'''[[Fort Dauphin]]''' (Tôlagnaro or Taolagnaro))~~; -14.210361,50.043702~'''[[Nosiarina]]'''~~; -12.766696, 49.772131~'''[[Nosy Manambiby]]'''~~; -12.674004, 49.655319~'''[[Nosy Ankomba]]'''~~; -15.836876, 45.978837~'''[[Nosy Antsoheribory]]'''~~; -16.324501, 49.845624~'''[[Nosy Atafana]]'''~~; -14.005688, 47.793907~'''[[Nosy Berafia]]'''~~; -13.592962, 47.817159~'''[[Nosy Iranja]]'''~~; -13.945719, 47.768844~'''[[Nosy Kalakajoro]]'''~~; -13.503723, 47.950723~'''[[Nosy Kivinjy]]'''~~; -12.302813, 49.319344~'''[[Nosy Lonja]]'''~~;
-13.304048, 48.159366~'''[[Nosy Sakatia]]'''~~;
-14.159536, 47.809013~'''[[Nosy Valiha]]'''~~;
-20.588581, 48.533809~'''[[Nosy Varika]]'''~~;
-17.010315, 49.851237~'''[[Ile aux Forbans]]'''~~;
-17.107222, 49.805232~[[File:Ile_aux_Nattes_00001.jpg|left|150px|]]<br>'''[[Ile aux Nattes]]'''~~;
-17.004488, 49.845057~'''[[Ilot Madame]]'''~~;
-13.332166, 48.474426~'''[[Nosy Faly]]'''~~;
-16.102556, 45.328045~'''[[Soalala]]'''~~;
-18.763394, 47.536978~'''[[Amboatany]]'''~~;
-14.527517, 49.85405~'''[[Ambodiampana]]'''~~;
-18.84705, 49.152338~'''[[Ambila]]'''~~;
-19.006178, 47.464204~'''[[Ambohibary]]'''~~;
-18.7656, 47.577793~'''[[Ambohimandroso]]'''~~;
-18.744083, 47.552717~[[File:Ambohitrimo 001.jpg|150px|left|]]<br>'''[[Ambohitrimo]]'''~~;
-18.760433, 47.562202~[[File:Ambohimanga 054.jpg|150px|left|]]<br>'''[[Ambohimanga]]'''~~;
-12.451174, 49.513125~'''[[Ambolobozy]]'''~~;
-24.691826, 44.747829~'''[[Ampanihy]]'''~~;
-18.703850, 47.546450~[[File:Amparafaravato 001.jpg|150px|left|]]<br>'''[[Amparafaravato]]'''~~;
-15.614049, 46.381006~'''[[Ampazony]]'''~~;
-13.55032, 48.82071~'''[[Anaborano]]'''~~;
-14.630095, 47.75259~'''[[Ananalava]]'''~~;
-15.711959, 46.330204~[[File:Woman on Mahajanga Beach.jpg|150px|left|]]<br>'''[[Mahajanga]]''' (Majunga)~~;
-12.527289, 49.404814~'''* [[Andrafiabe_(Antsiranana)|Andrafiabe]]''' (Antsiranana)~~;
-12.922151, 49.171515~'''[[Andranonakovo]]'''~~;
-18.999167, 47.467231~'''[[Ankorondravo]]'''~~;
-18.674016, 44.622381~'''[[Antsalova]]'''~~;
-18.95585, 47.567677~'''[[Alasora]]'''~~;
-18.970331, 47.739297~'''[[Ambatomanga]]'''~~;
-18.854439, 47.565567~'''[[Ilafy]]'''~~;
-18.971944, 48.577058~[[File:20140729_065647.jpg|150px|left|]]<br>'''[[Beforona]]'''~~;
-19.14745, 44.791062~'''[[Bekopaka]]'''~~;
-14.481883, 49.916767~'''[[Belalona]]'''~~;
-19.699163, 44.545441~'''[[Belo sur Tsiribihina]]'''~~;
-16.745938, 44.489404~'''[[Besalampy]]'''~~;
-12.499028, 49.416842~'''[[Daraina (Antsiranana)]]'''~~;
-21.304098, 47.638619~'''[[Ifanadiana]]'''~~;
-18.809955, 47.48085~[[File:Ivato 001.jpg|150px|]]<br>'''[[Ivato]]'''~~;
-12.968554, 49.138496~'''[[Mahamasina]]'''~~;
-14.495837, 49.821145~'''[[Manantenina]]'''~~;
-14.477396, 49.814308~'''[[Mandena]]'''~~;
-12.710464, 49.244885~'''[[Marovato (Antsiranana)|Marovato]]''' (Antsiranana)~~;
-20.280011, 48.626154~'''[[Masomeloka]]'''~~;
-18.752667, 47.509432~'''[[Merimandroso]]'''~~;
-18.978187, 47.462673~'''[[Morombato]]'''~~;
-12.954396, 49.39667~[[File:Anjahankely-Tsarahovaka trek 011.jpg|150px|]]<br>'''[[Tsarahovaka]]'''~~;
S14°34.286',E049°43.867'~'''[[Belaoko Lokoho]]'''~~;
<googlemap version="0.9" lat="-19.797717" lon="46.669922" type="terrain" zoom="7" height="1000" width="100%" controls="large" style="display:none;“>
-13.365641, 48.810227
-13.682913, 48.452518
-19.3835, 47.4405
-13.713000, 50.083717
-13.195451, 49.050565
-21.106902, 47.214131
-20.532827, 47.244751
-25.177447, 46.087732
-12.639939, 49.250564
-12.282078, 49.359351
-13.688533, 50.019533
-19.331878, 46.834717
-19.865983, 47.035722
-18.909712, 47.525278
[[Image:Antananarivo 002.jpg|left|70px|link=Antananarivo]]'''[[Antananarivo]]'''
-12.795053, 48.960485
-19.009277, 47.180936
-19.210767, 47.487443
-13.754033, 50.106768
-12.760078, 48.980603
-19.01086, 47.83325
-21.228642, 48.339758
-12.646209, 48.962074
-15.441679, 49.907725
[[Image:Masindrano 009.jpg|left|70px|link=Masindrano]]'''[[Masindrano]]'''
-14.768103, 49.583733
[[Image:Tanambao Andapa 001.jpg|left|70px|link=Tanambao (Andapa)]]'''[[Tanambao (Andapa)]]'''
-14.742217, 49.585450
[[File:Tsaramandroso 001.jpg|left|70px|link=Tsaramandroso]]'''[[Tsaramandroso]]'''
-14.256564, 50.15027
-13.356385, 50.009079
-18.944244, 48.230663
[[Image:20140729 122346.jpg|left|70px|link=Moramanga]]'''[[Moramanga]]'''
-12.736298, 48.966340
-13.700883, 50.069567
-15.592330, 49.924677
[[Image:Nandrahanana 035.jpg|left|70px|link=Nandrahanana]]'''[[Nandrahanana]]'''
-12.242479, 49.345779
-15.61, 49.945804
[[Image:Rantabe 005.jpg|left|70px|link=Rantabe]]'''[[Rantabe]]'''
-12.319291, 49.392332
-15.486367, 49.901650
[[Image:Iaraka 026.jpg|left|70px|link=Iaraka]]'''[[Iaraka]]'''
-14.592236, 50.049311
The country is divided into six provinces, each named after its capital: Antananarivo, Antsiranana, Fianarantsoa, Mahajanga, Toliara, and Toamasina also known as Tamatave.
The continent separated from Africa 165 million years ago, and since then its flora and fauna have evolved according to its own fantasy, like nowhere else in the world: Lemurs are known worldwide, but the red island (on account of its vividly coloured soil) is home to several endemic species of chameleons, fossas, frogs, birds, snakes, jumping rats, baobabs, carnivorous plants, orchids and many more strange "living beings"! With the lemurs, 80% of its flora, 40% of its birds, 98% of its reptiles being endemic, Madagascar is a naturalist's promised land! The same is true for the Malagasy people, about 20 million: A unique blend of African and Asian, whose culture resembles no other worldwide. The population is divided in 18 [[Ethnic Groups|ethnic groups]]. The nomad [[Vezo]] fisherman swears only by the sea, the zebu is everything to the [[Bara]] of the desertic south, while land is the greatest wealth for the [[Betsileo]] of the Malagasy "altiplano". The relative isolation of the island due to geography and recent history, kept the traditional way of living, rites and the [[Tromba|ancestral beliefs]], very lively and genuine. For the traveller avid to find something different, a dream! Madagascar has it all: Deserted beaches, tropical forests, mountains, spiny forests, rice-terraced highlands.<br><br>
'''Madagascar in Numbers'''<br>
* Capital: Antananarivo<br>
* Population in 2020mid 2024: 2731,691964,018956<br>
* Area: 587,295km²<br>
* Length from north to south: 1,600km<br>
* [http L'Express]* [http Madagascar Tribune]* [http Midi Madagasikara]* [[Coronavirus Madagascar|Coronavirus in Madagascar]]<br><br> 
* [[Birds of Madagascar]]
* [[Lemurs of Madagascar]]
* [[Flowers and Trees]]
<br clear="all">
... to here -->
[[Image:Tromba 001.jpg|link=Tromba|left|150px]]
'''[[Tromba|Tromba, a tradition or cult?]]'''<br>
The answer varies depending on whom you ask. A devout Christian might argue that it is witchcraft. Meanwhile, practitioners of Tromba often attend Sunday church services and follow mainstream religions while also engaging in their Tromba rituals and beliefs.
[[Image:Macolline Park 284.jpg|link=Macolline_Park|left|150px]]
'''[[Macolline_Park|The botanical trail of Macolline Park, Antalaha]]'''<br>
Macolline is a botanical nature reserve 3km from the town centre of Antalaha which has over 600 native and introduced plants and trees with precious and semi-precious species as well as a diverse fauna, including chameleons, butterflies and lemurs.<br clear=" all">
[[Image:Zebu_cart_032.jpg|link=Zebu cart|left|150px]]
'''[[Zebu cart|The Zebu Cart, traditional Malagasy transport]]'''<br>
It's sunrise in Sambirano and a beautiful view from the bridge in Ambanja is unfolding. The valley towards the southeast and the island of Nosy Komba are visible in the distance to the northwest. A small traffic jam is forming on the narrow bridge, mostly made up of zebu carts rather than cars.<br clear=" all">
'''[[Doany|Doany, a small fishing village with a beautiful beach]]'''<br>
Doany on the Ankify half island on the northwest coast of Madagascar is a popular destination among weekend visitors from Ambanja and surrounding villages.<br clear=" all">
'''[[KOSAMA|KOSAMA, Kooperativa Sambirano Manongalaza]]'''<br>
A cooperative of smallholder cacao farmers in northwest Madagascar cultivating natural and organic cacao.
<br clear=" all">
'''[[Belle Rose Beach Hotel]]'''<br>
Built almost entirely in wood and in the style of a large villa, the Belle Rose Beach Hotel is a perfect place to enjoy the sights and sounds of the ocean while visiting the picturesque town of Antalaha.
<br clear=" all">
'''[[Trekking to the Summit of Marojejy]]'''<br>
The trail to the summit of Marojejy offers visiting tourists, lemur and bird watchers or anyone who simply plans to escape into the wild to experience the sights and sounds of the forest on a demanding yet rewarding trekking adventure.
<br clear=" all">
'''[[Florenilla|Natural vanilla products from Madagascar]]'''<br>
Florenilla is a producer of vanilla and other natural products mixed with vanilla, all of which are cultivated and and prepared without the use of artificial fertilisers or conservation methods.<br clear="all">
'''[[Sambava to Andapa by bike]]'''<br>
The incredibly scenic bike route from Sambava to Andapa can be a challenging one, not because of the road condition or necessarily the 110-kilometre distance, but because of the gradually increasing intensity and regularity of uphills, especially along the final 20 kilometres.<br clear="all">
'''[[Prulab|Vanilla quality analysis]]'''<br>
Madagascar is the largest producer of natural vanilla and [[Sambava]] is its marketplace of the world where [[Prulab]] offers local farmers, producers and exporters as well as importers of [[Madagascar Vanilla]] in other countries the scientific analysis of their products to better determine the quality and ultimately the price of their seasonal spice.<br clear="all">
Bobangira is a nature park within the SAVA region on the northeast coast of Madagascar. The park area, officially ''Domaine de Bobangira'', was declared a protected private nature reserve in 2017 and opened to visitors in 2019.<br clear="all">
[[Image:Hotel_La_Terrasse_du_Voyageur_251.jpg|link=Hotel La Terrasse du Voyageur]|left|150px]]
'''[[Hotel La Terrasse du Voyageur]] - Diégo-Suarez'''<br>
Hotel La Terrasse du Voyageur is a hotel, bar, restaurant and event location with a rooftop terrace overlooking the town of Diego-Suarez and far beyond.<br clear="all">
[[Image:Mananara_Nord_National_Park_cover.jpg|link=Mananara Nord National Park|left|150px]]
'''[[Mananara Nord National Park]] - Photos wanted!'''<br>
Who has visited Mananara Nord National Park in the east of Madagascar and wants to share some photos/videos? You can either upload them directly on the page or send them to the [ webmaster] of Any kind of contribution is welcome.<br clear="all">
[[Image:West_Valley_Lodge_325.jpg|link=West Valley Lodge|left|150px]]
'''[[West Valley Lodge|West Valley Lodge, Antsalaka]]'''<br>
West Valley Lodge, or Vallée Ouest Lodge, is a newly opened accommodation since May 2019 close to the village of Antsalaka.<br clear="all">
[[Image:Diego-Ambanja-Diego_by_bike_20190405_075014.jpg|link=Diego-Ambanja-Diego by bike|left|150px]]
'''[[Diego-Ambanja-Diego by bike]]'''<br>
The route between Diégo-Suarez and Ambanja is suitable for biking throughout the year, even while the road is in a poor condition as it often is during the rainy season.<br clear="all">
'''[[On the Trail of Essential Oils with Homeopharma]]'''<br>
Come and discover with [[Homeopharma]] Madagascar's biodiversity, the country's wealth of endemic flora with its aromatic and medicinal plants of an estimated 12,000 species.<br clear="all">
[[Image:20140710 145555 P1010554.jpg|link=Ferry cycling Madagascar 2014|left|150px]]
'''[[Ferry cycling Madagascar 2014|Ferry cycling Madagascar]]'''<br>
Ferry, a Dutch cyclist, discovered Madagascar on wheels in 2014. On MadaCamp he wrote an article about his experience including practical advise and plenty of photos.<br clear="all">
[[Image:Tampolodge 051.jpg|link=Tampolodge|left|150px]]
Tampolodge is an eco-lodge located in Antongil Bay on the Masoala peninsula in the northeast of Madagascar, surrounded by one of the last primary forests on earth.<br clear="all">
[[Image:Issouf_001.jpg|link=Issouf - a cacao farmer in Sambirano, Madagascar|left|150px]]
'''[[Issouf - a cacao farmer in Sambirano, Madagascar]]'''<br>
Some of the worlds finest cacao grows in the Sambirano region in northern Madagascar. Nearly 80% of the harvest are cultivated by independent farmers.<br clear="all">
* [[Ambatolaidama]]
* [[Ambatolampy]]
* [[Ambatomanga]]
* [[Ambatondrazaka]]
* [[Ambenja]]
* [[Ambinanifaho]]
* [[Ambila]]
* [[Ambilobe]]
* [[Amboandriky]]
* [[Ambobaka]]
* [[Ambodiala]]
* [[Ambodiampana]]
* [[Ambodifinesy]]
* [[Ambodiforaha]]
* [[Ambohimahery]]
* [[Ambohimanambola]]
* [[Ambohimandroso]]
* [[Ambohimandroso - Masoala coast|Ambohimandroso]] (Masoala coast)
* [[Ambohimanga]]
* [[Ambohimitsinjo]]
* [[Ambohitralanana]]
* [[Ambohitrimo]]
* [[Ambodikily]]
* [[Amdolidimaka]]
* [[Ambolimpamba]]
* [[Ambolobozobe]]
* [[Ambolobozy]]
* [[Ambolosy]]
* [[Ambondrofe]]
* [[Ambondrombe]]
* [[Ambositra]]
* [[Ambovombe]]
* [[Ampahakabe]]
* [[Ampahana]]
* [[Ampahibato]]
* [[Ampasy]]
* [[Ampatakana]]
* [[Ampazony]]
* [[Ampefy]]
* [[Ampisasanala]]
* [[Ampokafo]]
* [[Ampombiantambo]]
* [[Anaborano]]
* [[Anakao]]
* [[Analalava]]
* [[Analovana]]
* [[Anamakia]]
* [[Ananalava]]
* [[Ananborano]]
* [[Anboangy]]
* [[Anovandrano]]
* [[Andovonkoko]]
* [[Antafofo]]
* [[Antakotako]]
* [[Antalaha]]
* [[Beankora]]
* [[Befandriana Nord]]
* [[Beforona]]
* [[Behenjy]]
* [[Bekopaka]]
* [[Belaoko Lokoho]]
* [[Belalona]]
* [[Belo sur Mer]]
* [[Belo sur Tsiribihina]]
* [[Bemarivo]] (river)
* [[Bemanekivobe]]
* [[Bemanevika]]
* [[Benavony]]
* [[Beramanja]]
* [[Besalampy]]
* [[Betafo]]
* [[Betroka]]
* [[Betioky]]
* [[Bobasakoa]]
* [[Bobakilandy]]
* [[Cap Masoala]]
* [[Daraina]]
* [[Daraina (Antsiranana)]]
* [[Diego Suarez]] (Antsiranana)
* [[Doany]]
* [[Emerald Sea]] (Mer d'Emeraude)
* [[Faleovan]]
* [[Hell-Ville]] (Andoany)
* [[Iaraka]]
* [[Ifanadiana]]
* [[Ifaty]]
* [[Ihosy]]
* [[Ilafy]]
* [[Ilakaka]]
* [[Ile aux Forbans]]
* [[Ile aux Nattes]]
* [[Ilot Madame]] (Ile au Madame)
* [[Itampolo]]
* [[Ivato]]
* [[Ivovono]]
* [[Jaovato]]
* [[Joffreville]]
* [[Lanjarivo]]
* [[Lohanantsahabe]]
* [[Madirobe]]
* [[Madirofolo]]
* [[Mahabo]]
* [[Mahagaga]]
* [[Mahajanga]](Majunga)
* [[Mahalevona]]
* [[Mahamasina]]
* [[Marotolana_(Ambanja)|Marotolana]] (Ambanja)
* [[Marovato_(Ambanja)|Marovato]] (Ambanja)
* [[Marovato (Antsiranana)|Marovato]] (Antsiranana)
* [[Marovoay]]
* [[Masomeloka]]
* [[Masovariaka]]
* [[Mazava]]
* [[Nandrahanana]]
* [[Navana]]
* [[Nosy Ankao]]
* [[Nosy Ankarea]]
* [[Nosy Antaly]]
* [[Nosy_Antsoha_(Mitsio_Archipelago)|Nosy Antsoha]] (Mitsio Archipelago)
* [[Nosy_Antsoha_(south_of_Nosy_Be)|Nosy Antsoha]]
* [[Nosy Antsoheribory]]
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* [[Nosy Lava (Analalava)|Nosy Lava]] (Analalava)
* [[Nosy Lava (Mitsio Archipelago)|Nosy Lava]] (Mitsio Archipelago)
* [[Nosy_Lava_(Morombe)|Nosy Lava]] (Morombe)
* [[Nosy Lonja]]
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* [[Nosy Tsitampevina]]
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* [[Nosy Vorona]]
* [[Ofaina]]
* [[Boriziny|Port-Bergé]]
* [[Tampoly]]
* [[Tanambao]] (Masoala)
* [[Tanambao (Andapa)|Tanambao]] (Andapa)
* [[Tananabaovao]]
* [[Toamasina]] (Tamatave)
* [[Tsarafanahy]]
* [[Tsarahovaka]]
* [[Tsaramandroso]]
* [[Tsiroanomandidy]]
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