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16,746 bytes added, 16:55, 12 March 2019
Google paths
== Basic text '''This website can be edited within Madagascar only. If you would like editing ==permission from elsewhere, you need an invitation from an administrator of the site.'''
== Text editing == The most basic text editing features, such as boldface, italics and links can be formatted with help of the buttons above the edit box. Alternatively, the syntax is simple. For '''bold text''', enclose the word(s) within three single quotes:  <nowiki>'''bold text'''</nowiki> For ''italic text'', enclose the text with two single quotes:  <nowiki>''italic text''</nowiki> To link a text to another page within the wiki, enclose the word in double square brackets:  <nowiki>[[</nowiki>[[Anakao]]<nowiki>]]</nowiki> The link will thereafter point to [[Anakao|]] To link to a page on another website, enclose the link location within single square brackets and the linked word(s) after the URL:  <nowiki>[ MadaCamp Pinterest board]</nowiki> This will appear as: [ MadaCamp Pinterest board] Alternatively, type a full URL without the brackets, e.g.:  <nowiki></nowiki> ... to display the link as follows: To make a listing, prefix the list items with asterixes: ... <pre><nowiki>* item 1 * item 2* item 3</nowiki></pre> ... which will appear as follows: * item 1 * item 2* item 3 Nested lists are done as follows: ... <pre><nowiki>* item 1 * item 2** item 2.2*** item 2.3* item 3</nowiki></pre> ... which will appear as: * item 1 * item 2** item 2.2*** item 2.3* item 3 etc. <!--Some HTML tags are permitted in wikitext. The vast majority of fancy formatting seen on wikimedia wiki sites is acheived using these limited tags (e.g. tables with CSS styles). See [ HTML tags in wikitext]-->
== Image links ==
To make an image link to a page from an image instead of an image leading to the larger version of the same image which is clicked file shown ona page, add the link parameter to the image markup, eg.:
== Link to an image or other file ==
To link directly to an image or some other file that has previously been uploaded on this site use the <code>media:</code> prefix. For example: ...  <nowiki>[[media:Big_fish.jpg]]</nowiki> ... will appear as [[media:Big_fish.jpg]] Or to use other link word(s) than the filename, separate the file part and the linked word(s) with a vertical bar <code>(<span style="color:#ff0000;"> | </span>)</code>, as follows:  [[media:Big_fish.jpg<span style= Display "color:#ff0000; font-weight:bold;">|</span>how to wear a fish]] The link will then appear as [[media:Big_fish.jpg|how to wear a fish]] == Displaying an email address link ==
The following code:
<!---== Display Skype address with online or offline status button ==
It is possible to To display a Skype address with a button that will launch Skype and call or start a chat. First to a specified Skype address as well as indicate its online or offline status, first configure your Skype account application to allow its status be shown online, which can be (if it has not already been configured as such). This is done within the Skype application itself. Simply go to section <b>Tools->Options->Privacy</b> and tick . Tick the checkbox "''Allow my status to be shown on the web".'':
For further information, see http[[File://]]
Thereafter, the The following example will create a button for which a call can launch a chat window be made when the Skype button is clickedon:
<pre><nowiki><skype style="style_namebigclassic" action="chatcall"><i>YourSkypeName</i></skype></nowiki></pre>
<skype style="style_namebigclassic" action="chatcall">madacamp</skype>
The available styles are: balloon, bigclassic, smallclassic, smallicon, mediumicon
The available actions areSee examples at http: add, chat, call//
== Adding Google Maps ==The available actions are: add, chat or call
This wiki includes Google maps and an easy map editor to create and edit Google maps on any pages.-->
To launch the map creation tool, click on the map button above the edit box. == Google maps ==
Pan to the region to displayTo create new or edit existing Google maps on pages, set click on the various size options and thereafter copymap button https:/paste the generated Google map code into / above the regular edit box and save the page.
* [http://wwwFind the region to display, set the various size and display options and thereafter copy the resulting &lt;googlemap> Introduction to Google Maps Extension]* [http://www.mediawiki&lt;googlemap> code into the edit box and save the Google Maps Extension syntax]
Various display options include satellite view, map view, adding of place markers, drawing lines etc.
== Google paths ==
Go to
Click menu in top left corner -> Your places -> MAPS
Click CREATE MAP (bottom left of screen)
Click Import
Select a track on the computer (eg. Track_AMBOHIMANGA-IVATO.gpx) and
drag and drop into the Upload space
Click on the upper three dots
Export to KML/KMZ
Select "Export to a .KML file (full icon support use .KMZ)."
Click Save File, to eg. FILENAME.gpx
In the file, there is a list of coordinates:
Run FILENAME.gpx to change format to:
-14.2578310333, 50.1606086176
-14.2576493975, 50.1606914308
Copy into a new Google map, eg.:
<pre><nowiki><googlemap version="0.9" lat="-19.105844" lon="47.33697" height="750"
controls="large" style="width:100%;max-width:600px;">
-14.2578310333, 50.1606086176
-14.2576493975, 50.1606914308
Placemarker icons are done separately above the path code
== Scalable maps ==
Modify markup on all pages containing maps to include <code>style="width:100%;max-width:600px;"</code>, e.g.:<br>
<nowiki><googlemap version="0.9" lat="-12.243119" lon="49.345264" type="satellite" zoom="16" controls="large" style="width:100%;max-width:600px;"></nowiki>
<nowiki><googlemap version="0.9" (.*)></nowiki>
<nowiki><googlemap version="0.9" $1 style="width:100%;max-width:600px;"></nowiki>
Select 'Use regular expressions' and namespaces 'Main'.
Pages which already contain the string will thereafter have duplicate style declarations:
style="width:100%;max-width:600px;" style="width:100%;max-width:600px;"
Thereafter replace instances of:
style="width:100%;max-width:600px;" style="width:100%;max-width:600px;"
<!--''Additional information:'' -->
<!-- broken URLs:
* [ 3 minute instructions video] in Quicktime format (part 1).
* [ 3.5 minute instruction video] in Quicktime format (part 2).
<!-- too technical: * [ Google Maps Extension syntax] documentation. -->
== Adding RSS news feeds to pages ==
RSS (Really Simple Syndication) allows importing summaries and corresponding links to news articles. For example, a Google [ news search] for any keyword or phrase can be imported. HOwever, Google does not include RSS feed URLs directly on their search result pages but it's not complicated to piece together the relevant feed URLs. For example, a search for the phrase "madagascar lemurs" can be included on a page as follows:
<pre><rss template="Google-feed" filterout="movie penguins"></rss></pre>
The output of this news search for the phrase ''madagascar lemurs'', filtering out results with the terms ''penguins'' and ''movie'', becomes:
<rss template="Google-feed" filterout="movie penguins deprecated"></rss>
Other non-Google RSS feeds may include a feed icon [[File:RSS_icon.png|14px]] to indicate the whereabouts of RSS feeds.
For additional usage and customisation of the output, see:
== Uploading images ==
To add your own images, first [[Special:Userlogin| sign up]] and thereafter click on the [[Special:Upload|Upload file]] link in the toolbox on the left, which allows uploading a single image at the time. Note that the link does not appear to site visitors who are not logged in.
You can repeat the procedure for more than one image or chose to upload multiple images via the [[Special:MultipleUpload|Upload multiple files]] function which allows uploading up to five images at the time.
== Image size ==
A recommended image size for this site is minumim 1500 pixels height or width.
Many digital cameras produce images with a 4:3 aspect ratio and which are usually larger than 1500 pixels in width or height.
Images which has a 4:3 aspect ratio will automatically fit into the [[#Image_gallery|standard image gallery]].
When scaling a 4:3 aspect ratio image from some larger size down to 1500 pixels width it becomes 1125 pixels in height. In case of a taller than wide image, i.e. in portrait format, it becomes 1125 width and 1500 pixels in height.
Example of an 4:3 aspect ratio, 1500 pixels wide and 1125 pixels tall image: [[media:Diego_Suarez_150.jpg|Diego_Suarez_150.jpg]].
However, many cameras output different aspect ratios and size settings. Depending on your internet connection speed, size and number of images, you may prefer to scale your images down before uploading them onto this site.
A free graphics application to scale images down is [ The Gimp]. <!--Alternatively, try the Pixlr online photo editor at>
Or to avoid using a graphic application altogether, just upload your images in their original sizes and dimensions as they come from the camera.
== Uploading more images via FTP ==
To batch upload even images, first transfer the the images via FTP to for example /tmp/import
Log in by shell, su root and set the environment variable to:<br>
Within ~/wiki/maintenance/ run:
php importImages.php /tmp/import_images --user=CampMaster --comment="MadaCamp photos"
For more help, type php importImages.php --help
== Displaying images ==
For further info on image display, visit
== Displaying image galleries Image gallery ==
To display a collection of images without captions in a standard size that wlll work well in conjuction with a Google map display on the same page and in the the size of 600 pixels width, copy the following wiki-markup and replace the image names with the images to be dislayed. This example will display one large image on top, spanning three colums with two rows of images below it: <pre><nowiki>{| class="imageTable"|-|colspan="3" | [[File:Photo 001.jpg|600px]]|-|[[File:Photo 002.jpg|196px]]|align="center"|[[File:Photo 003.jpg|196px]]|align="right"|[[File:Photo 004.jpg|196px]]|-|[[File:Photo 005.jpg|196px]]|align="center"|[[File:Photo 006.jpg|196px]]|align="right"|[[File:Photo 007.jpg|196px]]|}</nowiki></pre> Just add or remove rows as required. Example, as on the [[Tulear]] page: {| class="imageTable"|-|colspan="3" | [[File:Tulear 016.jpg|600px]]|-|[[File:Tulear 010.jpg|196px]]|align="center"|[[File:Tulear 005.jpg|196px]]|align="right"|[[File:Tulear 006.jpg|196px]]|-|[[File:Tulear 012.jpg|196px]]|align="center"|[[File:Tulear 008.jpg|196px]]|align="right"|[[File:Tulear 018.jpg|196px]]|} == Thumbnail gallery == Using <nowiki><gallery> ... </gallery></nowiki> tags to display a thumbnail gallery with images which link to the larger versions of the uploaded images. This is useful for creating quick and easy thumbnail galleries with many images.
Images can also be individually captioned and wiki-markup can be used within captions.
Image:Ilakaka 001.jpgImage:Ilakaka 002.jpg|link=Ilakaka|Image links to a pageImage:Ilakaka 003.jpgImage:Ilakaka 004.jpg|[[Help:Contents/Links|Links]] can be put in captions.Image:Ilakaka 005.jpgImage:Ilakaka 006.jpg|Full [[MediaWiki]]<br />[[syntax]] may now be used...
The code example of the above gallery is shown below:
Image:Ilakaka 001.jpgImage:Ilakaka 002.jpg|link=Ilakaka|Image links to a pageImage:Ilakaka 003.jpgImage:Ilakaka 004.jpg|[[Help:Contents/Links|Links]] can be put in captions.Image:Ilakaka 005.jpgImage:Ilakaka 006.jpg|Full [[MediaWiki]]<br />[[syntax]] may now be used...
<nowiki><gallery></nowiki> parameters: caption="Caption above gallery" widths= Displaying wide ''n'' - image widths in pixels heights=''n'' - image heights in pixels perrow=''n'' - number of images per row mode=''n'' - can be used with the following paramenters:* traditional - the default gallery display* nolines - like traditional but without border lines.* packed - all images will have the same height but different widths, with minimal space between images. The rows will organise themselves according to the screen width.* packed-overlay - shows captions on the image in a semi-transparent white overlay.* packed-hover - similar to packed-overlay but with the caption and box showing on hover. == Wide images ==
To display an image that is generally wider than most screens in a sideways scrollable box, typically a panorama, the syntax is:
<pre><nowiki>{{wide image|Bezavona_pano2.jpg|1800px|Fort Dauphin panorama|250px|right}}</nowiki></pre>
== Supressing Random image display == '''A random image can be displayed along with various optional parameters, such as size, left or right aligned and a pre-defined array of named images to limit the selection from.''' <randomimage float="left" /> This code can be used to display a random image from the complete repository of images on the site:<br> <span style="background:#f6f6f6;"><nowiki><randomimage float="left" /></nowiki></span><br> An caption will automatically be pulled from the image descripion page if one exists or if added when the image was originally uploaded on the site.<br clear="all"> <randomimage float="left">Random image</randomimage> This example code can be used to display a random image with a pre-defined caption, eg. 'A random image', for all images:<br><span style="background:#f6f6f6;"><nowiki><randomimage float="left">A random image</randomimage></nowiki></span> <br clear="all"> The <nowiki><randomimage></nowiki> tag supports the following attributes:* size - set the image width (default is the user's thumbnail width).* float - float the image; valid values are 'left', 'center' and 'right'.* choices - limits the image selection to a list of images separated by a vertical bar. For example: <randomimage size="150" float="left" choices="Chocolaterie_Robert_024.jpg|Chocolaterie_Colbert_01.jpg|Cinagra_066.jpg" /> This example is a 150 pixels width image, aligned to the left and with a pre-defined array of named images to choose from:<br><span style="background:#f6f6f6;"><nowiki><randomimage size="150" float="left" choices="Chocolaterie_Robert_024.jpg|Chocolaterie_Colbert_01.jpg|Cinagra_066.jpg" /></nowiki></span> <br clear="all"> == Table of Contents ==
The table of contents (TOC) is automatically shown at the top of a page if there are four or more headings in an article. To hide this on a page, add the string <nowiki>__NOTOC__</nowiki> anywhere in the page markup.
== CSS ==
Modify styles in
== Displaying YouTube videos ==
To display a video from YouTube on this site, extract and copy the relevant video ID that is part of a YouTube URL, e.g.
[<font color="#bd0000">vDYzsT3d06I</font>&feature=related] and place in the edit form as follows:
<nowiki><HTML5video type="youtube" width="600" height="338">vDYzsT3d06I</HTML5video></nowiki>
<HTML5video type="youtube" width="600" height="338">vDYzsT3d06I</HTML5video>
The ''width'' and ''height'' parameters are optional.
<HTML5video type="youtube" width="600" height="338">caODxMEUq1w</HTML5video>
== Uploading videos MadaCamp ==
To upload a video on MadaCamp, firstly make the video available in three formats: .mp4, .ogg and .webm. This can easily be done via an online video conversion tool such as []. Thereafter save the three versions on your system before uploading them with identical fileames but with the different file extensions, e.g.:
Thereafter include the video on the page without the file suffix:
<nowiki><HTML5video width="520" height="320" autoplay="true" loop="true">Dragonfly</HTML5video></nowiki>
Different browsers will automatically select the suitable format for their individual systems.
<HTML5video width="520" height="320" autoplay="true" loop="true">Dragonfly</HTML5video>
<!--Bug: Thumbs does not show up on Ipad, which affects autoplay="false" mode. -->
== Editing and publishing videos ==
While a quick and easy way to publish a video is by uploading it into a YouTube account and thereafter including it on a page, videos can also be uploaded directly on MadaCamp after having converted it into FLV format. Your original may be an Mpeg, AVI, Quicktime or some other format. The conversion into FLV format can then be done using a video editor such as [ Avidemux], which is available for free download on all operating systems:
Within Avidemux, open the video file, select FLV format via the ''Video'', ''Audio'' and ''Format'' selectors. Optionally add filters. Give the file an '''.flv''' extension and ''Save Video''. Thereafter upload the FLV file onto this site and simply add it on a page, as follows:
The size and aspect ratio can be tweaked like a normal on-page image by defining the pixel display values, as follows:
Alternatively, [ FFmpeg] is an excellent and free video editing tool, but requires command line editing, which is mainly done on Linux and OSX systems.
For Windows users, a simple FLV conversion tool is [ Mobile Media Converter]. While Mobile Media Converter lack various advanced editing features that exists in Avidemux, if all you need is to convert a video into FLV format without special editing, Mobile Media Converter is a perfectly good tool for the purpose. Various pre-configured size, bandwidth and quality level options are available in the conversion process.
<table cellpadding="0" cellpadding= Adding YouTube and Google videos "0" border="0" style="border:1px solid #cccccc; float:left; margin-right:10px; width:328px;"><tr><td style="padding:3px 3px 3px 3px;">[[File:Chocolaterie_Robert_320x240_low.flv|320x240px]]</td></tr></table>
To embed Click the screen on the left to see an example of a video from YouTube onto this wiki, simply copy the video ID that has been converted from a YouTube URL, eQuicktime (.g.[ httpmov) file into FLV format using ''Mobile Media Converter'' and thereafter uploaded and displayed here via the following code://<font color="#bd0000"br>FChpJY59iD8</font>&feature=related] and paste the relevant bit into the edit form as follows:
<prediv style="border:1px dashed #296dad; background: #fffbff; padding:10px; display:table;margin-bottom:8px;"><nowiki><youtube>_OKs7qpJvRI<youtube>[[File:Chocolaterie_Robert_320x240_low.flv|320x240px]]</nowiki></prediv>
<youtube>_OKs7qpJvRI</youtube>''The video is 13 minutes and features [[Chocolaterie Robert]]'s bean-to-bar chocolate production in Madagascar, in French language.''
<br clear="all">
To add For tips a Google tricks on editing video on a page retrievein Windows or Mac OSX or using various cloud based (online) tools, the ID number by clicking the '''Embed video''watch BBC' link next to the video screen, or extract the ID from the URL if one is part of it. For example: s [ http:2/hi/<font color="#ff0000">7281432690466273651<click_online/font>&hl=en9484842.stm The essential guide to video editing]webcast from 13 May 2011.
Then simply place the ID in the following googlevideo tag:<pre><nowiki><googlevideo>7281432690466273651</googlevideo></nowiki></pre-->
== Adding language switches ==
Note: Language switches are currently deactivated. To add language switches for French and Malagasy versions to appear in the left column of any content page is simple. For example, the following code was added in the edit box of the page [[Lemur|]]: <nowiki>[[fr:Lémurien]]</nowiki> <nowiki>[[mg:Maki]]</nowiki> The Français and Malagasy link therefore appears on the English version of the page, which lead to [émurienémurien] and [] respectively (note: Maki means lemur in Malagasy). [[File:Language switch example.gif]] On the French page, adding links to the English and Malagasy versions is done by: <nowiki>[[en:Lemur]]</nowiki> <nowiki>[[mg:Maki]]</nowiki> And on the Malagasy page, add the links to the English and French pages by: <nowiki>[[en:Lemur]]</nowiki> <nowiki>[[fr:Maki]]</nowiki> If a page title contains two or more words, the words are separated by underscores or spaces, for example: <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td style="border:1px dashed #296dad; background: #fffbff; padding:10px;width:48%;"><nowiki>[[fr:Grande_Île]]</nowiki><br><nowiki>[[en:Big_island]]</nowiki><br><nowiki>[[mg:Nosy_be]]</nowiki></td><td align="center" style= Add a "width:4%;">or</td><td style="border:1px dashed #296dad; background: #fffbff; padding:10px;width:48%;"><nowiki>[[fr:Grande Île]]</nowiki><br><nowiki>[[en:Big island]]</nowiki><br><nowiki>[[mg:Nosy be]]</nowiki></td></tr></table> The language swith codes can be added anywhere in the editing box, for example at the end. --> <!-- This feature has been removed due to comment spam == Article comments field below an article ==
To add a blog style comments field below an article, such as this one: ...
The comments are added to the discussion section of each page.
--> == Links to various manual pages Further manuals ==
* [ User's Guide]

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