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Zebu cart

1,472 bytes removed, 18:28, 19 August 2024
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'''It's sunrise in Sambirano and the view from the bridge in Ambanja is stunning. The valley towards the southeast and the island of Nosy Komba to the northwest. A small traffic jam is forming on the narrow bridge, mostly made up of zebu carts rather than cars.'''
It's sunrise in Sambirano and a small traffic jam has evolved at the bridge crossing, not by cars, but by zebu carts slowly crossing the narrow bridge in Ambanja. The drivers and passengers of these ox-powered vehicles, mostly farmers, started travelling in darkness to reach the central marketplace by the early morning hours to distribute their crops.'
By sunrise at the Sambirano crossing, a small traffic jam is caused by a convoy of zebu carts slowly rolling over the narrow bridge in Ambanja. The drivers of these ox-powered carts started their journey in the dark to reach the central marketplace in the early morning hours.
It's early morning hours and the drivers of the ox-powered carts would have started in the dark. Just by sunrise at the crossing of the Sambirano bridge, there is rush hour and even a small traffic jam caused by carts slowly rolling across the narrow bridge on their way to the central marketplace to deliver their fresh seasonal crops from the countryside.'''
Early morning hours at the Sambirano crossing brings about a rush hour with ox-powered carts delivering fresh crops from the countryside to the central marketplace
It's early morning at the Sambirano crossing. As the sun rises, there's a rush hour with a bit of traffic jam building up. Not caused by motor cars, but by ox-powered carts slowly rolling across the narrow bridge on their way to deliver fresh crops from the countryside to the central marketplace.
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Thanks to the countless Malagasy farmers for contributing who contribute more than their fair share in preserving the environment by their traditional and eco-friendly mode of transportation.
== Additional information ==

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