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Zebu cart

6 bytes added, 15:29, 24 August 2024
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'''It's sunrise in Sambirano and a beautiful view from the bridge in Ambanja is unfolding. The valley towards the southeast and the island of Nosy Komba are visible in the distance to the northwest. A small traffic jam is forming on the narrow bridge, mostly made up of zebu carts rather than cars.'''
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Zebu carts, or Omby Sarety, in Malagasy (written ''Aomby'' in northern dialect) are common sights in and around Ambanja and across the country. These ox-led carts remain as practical and relevant among farmers today as they have since ancient times.
The numerous innumerable Malagasy farmers deserve full recognition for their commitment to a traditional transportation methods that help preserve the environment.
View more [[Zebu cart photos]]

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