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'''Nosy Lonja, or Sugarloaf Island, is a small island in the Bay of Diego featured on numerous postcardsand in travel literature. The small island Nosy Lonja, also know as Sugarloaf Island, is a landmark symbolising both for the town and Bay of Diego Suarez. A drawing illustration of the island appears on 100 Ariari banknotes.'''
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It is considered [[fady]] to visit the island as , since it is believed death will follow to those who will step ashore. As such, the island remains uninhabited and boat transfers are not available or recommended. One may however admire the view of the island from the a safe distance of the shore along Boulevard Duplex, about 10 minutes drive from Diego townalong the route towards [[Ramena]].
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While a good view of island is available from anywhere along the road, [[Note Bleue|Note Bleue Park Hotel]] offers a particularly nice view from its restaurant and swimming pool area. A good place for lunch too.