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Ankarana National Park

346 bytes added, 18:51, 14 December 2011
The best fauna most visible to tourists
== The best fauna most visible to tourists ==
<table width="100%" cellpadding="02" cellspacing="31" border="10"><tr bgcolor="#dccbb3" valign="top"><td>Scientific name</td>
<td>English name</td>
<td>When to find</td></tr>
<tr bgcolor="#eadece" valign="top"><td>Eulemur coronatus</td>
<td>Crowned lemur</td>
<td>Crowned head lemur, male has a dark brown fur.</td>
<td>Morning before noon and in the afternoon between 3pm and 5pm.</td></tr>
<tr bgcolor="#eadece" valign="top"><td>Eulemur fulvus sanfordi</td>
<td>Brown lemur</td>
<td>More luxuriant hair on the head. Males have bushy collar of beard.</td>
<td>Morning before noon and in the afternoon between 3pm and 5pm.</td></tr>
<trbgcolor="#eadece" valign="top"><td>Lepilemur septentrionalis</td>
<td>Northern sportive lemur</td>
<td>Small lemur with big eyes.</td>
<td>All day whilst sleeping.</td></tr>
<trbgcolor="#eadece" valign="top"><td>Galidia elegans</td>
<td>Ring-tailed mongoose</td>
<td>Mongoose with deep reddish-brown fur and a long, bushy black and red striped tail.</td>
<td>At any time of the day.</td></tr>
<trbgcolor="#eadece" valign="top"><td>Uroplatus ebenaui</td>
<td>Spear-tailed gecko</td>
<td>Usually camouflaged the colour of tree trunk, sitting 1,50m from the ground.</td>
<td>During the morning.</td></tr>
<trbgcolor="#eadece" valign="top"><td>Furcifer pardalis</td>
<td>Panther chameleon</td>
<td>Dark green chameleon with a red stripe, white on the stomach.</td>
<td>At any time of the day.</td></tr>
<trbgcolor="#eadece" valign="top"><td>Crocodylus niloticus</td>
<td>Nile crocodile</td>
<td>Black crocodile with short muzzle. Entire body lies in water, except the eyes and nose.</td>
<td>During the dry season at any time of the day.</td></tr>
<trbgcolor="#eadece" valign="top"><td>Lophotibus cristata</td>
<td>Madagascar Crested Ibis</td>
<td>Bird with a bent stature, red and white feathers and short tail.</td>
<td>During the morning.</td></tr>
<trbgcolor="#eadece" valign="top"><td>Mesitornis variegata</td>
<td>White-breasted mesite</td>
<td>A bird slightly larger than the green pigeons. Light brown mottled with white chest, pointed beak, often in groups of eight to ten.</td>
<td>During the morning and late afternoon.</td></tr>
<trbgcolor="#eadece" valign="top"><td>Rousettus madagascarensis</td>
<td>Bats of larger size compared to other species, more elongated snout, gray/dark brown.</td>
<td>During the day.</td></tr>
<trbgcolor="#eadece" valign="top"><td>Glossogobius ankaranensis</td>
<td>Blind fish, white and transparent.</td>
<td>In the underground rivers in the caves.</td>
<td>During the day.</td></tr></table>

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