Tsingy de Bemaraha National Park

Revision as of 06:15, 28 February 2017 by MissMada (talk | contribs) (Birds)

Revision as of 06:15, 28 February 2017 by MissMada (talk | contribs) (Birds)

The protected area Tsingy de Bemaraha in the west of Madagascar consists of a national park and strict nature reserve. The site is unique with its biodiversity and exceptional landscape called the Tsingy - which can be translated into "where one can only walk on tiptoe". In 1990, Bemaraha was the first area in Madagascar to be classified a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and it also became a UNESCO National Cultural Heritage Site in 1991. Part of the reserve was changed to national park status in 1997.

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Bemaraha National Park is located in the Melaky region in the central west Madagascar, about 300km from Antananarivo as the crow flies. The park stretches over an area of 157,710ha, with a length of 100km from north to south and a width of 10 to 40km from east to west. The southern part with an area of 72,340ha enjoys the status of a national park. The northern part, which is managed as an strict nature reserve, covers 85,370ha of land.

The protected area is located on the Bemaraha plateau at an altitude of 150 to 170m, a karst formation bounded to the east by steep cliffs and to the west by gentle slopes. South of the park, there is a formation of pinnacles which access is extremely difficult. In the north rolling hills alternate with limestone formations.

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The Bemaraha Park is located north of the Manombolo River. The rivers coming from the plateau have a seasonal or permanent character.

The Bemaraha Massif is a very rugged limestone massif with numerous caves and an impressive canyon carved by the Manambolo River. The western part of the plateau has a very sharp relief, covered in large parts by dense dry forest. That is a true limestone cathedral which offers one of the most spectacular natural landscapes in the world. In the eastern part, the forest is intersected by savannas.

The karstic massif of Bemaraha offers a variety of natural habitats which are many different ecosystems such as dense deciduous forest, bushy xerophytic vegetation on the tsingy (limestone plateau) and sub-humid forest in the valleys or low-laying wet areas between limestone blocks as well as wooded or grassy savanna.

The park is home to lemurs, terrestrial and aquatic birds, bats, amphibians, reptiles, endemic mammals and at least 650 plant species.

The population is predominantly Sakalava. It is an ethnic group that has a conservative nature and protects it by regulations using the fady (ban or taboo).

The park enjoys a dry tropical climate marked by two contrasting seasons: Rainy from November to April and dry between May and October. The opening of the park depends on the accessibility of the dirt road connecting Morondava and Bekopaka, usually from May to November. There are various ways how to get to the park:

By car (4x4)

  • Antananarivo - Morondava (600km) and then Morondava - Belo sur Tsiribihina - Bekopaka (south entrance of the park): 200km along a dirt road, 4x4 is recommended for this 8 hours stretch with at least 1 hour by ferry along the Tsiribihina River (100km north of Morondava).
  • Antananarivo - Antsalova (700km): 200km paved road to Tsiroanomandidy, between Beravina and Morafeno (crossing of the Bongolava mountains) in very bad condition for over 80km. Thereafter Antsalova - Bekopaka: 100km secondary road, 4 hours by 4x4, accessible from May to November.

By taxi-brousse

  • Daily departure from Antananarivo (Fasan'ny Karana station), duration 2 days.

By boat

  • From Ankavandra 3 to 4 days sailing with a pirogue along the Manambolo River until Bekopaka. Ankavandra is only accessible by plane.
  • From Miandrivazo 3 days by motorised pirogue down the Tsiribihina River until reaching Belo sur Tsiribihina. Thereafter along the road: Belo sur Tsiribihina - Bekopaka (100km, 4 hours by 4x4).

By plane


Management and Classification

In 1927, thanks to the biological, geological and archaeological characteristics of the Antsingy, the area was classified as Nature Reserve No. 9. Thereafter it was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1990 and National Cultural Heritage in 1991. In August 1997, a part of the reserve was changed to national park status to allow the development of ecotourism.

Referring to the international classification of the protected area, following the categorisation by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the protected complex of Tsingy de Bemaraha belongs to Category I and II. In other words, it is classified as:

  • a terrestrial space comprising ecosystems, with remarkable or representative geological or physiological characteristics, managed mainly for the purpose of scientific research and/or environmental monitoring as a Strict Nature Reserve (Category I)
  • a natural terrestrial area, to protect ecological integrity of one or more ecosystems for the benefit of present and future generations, to ban any exploitation or occupation incompatible with the objectives of the designation and to offer the possibility to visit for spiritual purposes following tradition, for scientific, educational, recreational and touristic reasons, while respecting the natural environment and the culture of communities, as a National Park (Category II)

Objectives of the site

Bemaraha National Park's main role is to maintain natural ecosystems, natural habitats and their biodiversity as well as exceptional natural landscapes.

Within the western ecoregion, Bemaraha is a centre of endemism both for flora and fauna. It is one of the protected areas that is the richest in faunistic species and especially in karstic ecosystems (in the western ecoregion).

The protected area Tsingy de Bemaraha complex also plays an important ecological role in the region. It is a water source for the entire downstream part of the Bemaraha plateau, especially at the level of the Manambolomaty lakes complex (one of the three RAMSAR sites in Madagascar - wetlands of international importance) and at the level of the rice granary of the region: Lake Bemamba.

The rivers draining the Antsingy are permanent streams.

It is not the rivers or streams originating in the Antsingy that are responsible for this ecological function but it is the forest cover on limestone plateau. It retains the rainwater and then allows it to infiltrate little by little and feed the springs throughout the year.

Conservation targets

Endemic species require specific conservation actions as they are subject to pressure. They are key elements in the protected area and are referred to as conservation targets.

For the protected area Tsingy de Bemaraha complex they are:

  • Habitats
    • dense dry forest on limestone plateau: Highly fragmented forest formation; tpyical vegetation on karst (very fragile); natural habitat of many wildlife species
    • water system: The water system that drains the Antsingy has positive impacts on the ecological balance of the region, but currently there is a slight decrease in water regime

Note: Plant species are not to be considered as conservation targets in their own right, as it is better to manage forest habitats to conserve plant species rather than to manage them individually.

The site and local population

Human pressures and their impacts are the main threats to conservation targets. Indeed, the park is subject to various pressures such as:

  • Fire

The fires are periodic from June to October. Every year almost all the savanna (outside and inside the protected area) is burnt. Fortunately, the fires can not spread into the forest due to the bedrock, but mostly affect the borders.

  • Illegal logging

The local population harvests timber from the forest to meet their daily needs. Therefore they target trees with a diameter between 3cm and 20cm. Very few woods with a diameter greater than 30cm are cut. The cutting period is between June and November.

  • Land clearing

Land clearing is also one of the factors for forest degradation, even if the annually affected area is still minimal (1.20ha in 2001). The laying of lemur traps is one of the reasons for those clearings.

  • Hunting

Some lemur species are hunted, especially diurnal species. Most of the hunting takes place during the end of the rainy season from March to May.

  • Collecting wildlife

In recent years, wildlife species such as reptiles have been collected illegally for commercial purposes. The collection period takes place during the wet season. The caught animals are sent to the main collector in Antananarivo and from there enter the network of international wildlife trafficking. Note: Since the cancellation of the Air Madagascar flight to Antsalova, this illegal practice diminished.

Madagascar National Park's actions are not limited to the protection and preservation of natural species. Indeed, the Tsingy de Bemaraha National Park brings benefits to the local population while ensuring conservation through the development of ecotourism. By involving women and men in ecotourism activities, the national park provides jobs in the fields of guidance, portage, guarding, transport by cart and canoe, accommodation and catering.

In addition, 50% of the entrance fees for the protected areas are transferred to the local population to finance micro-community projects. Since 1999, communes such as Bekopaka and Antsalova have benefited from the construction of schools, classrooms, public laundries, wells, water retention dams and a fokontany office.


Due to the diverse environment and habitat there is an extremely rich fauna present in the park:

Group Species Endemic Non-endemic Unknown
Insectivore 3 3 0 0
Rodents 5 3 2 0
Chiropteras 16 13 3 0
Carnivores 4 3 1 0
Primates 11 11 0 0
Ungulates 1 0 1 0
Birds 103 72 29 2
Reptiles 87 73 6 6
Amphibians 34 33 2 0
Rhopalocera 112 1 0 111


Different research has identified a total of 11 lemur species:

Family Scientific name English name Malagasy name Endemicity
Cheirogaleidae Cheirogaleus medius Fat-tailed dwarf lemur Kelibehoho endemic
Cheirogaleidae Microcebus murinus Grey mouse lemur Tilitiliva endemic
Cheirogaleidae Microcebus myoxinus Peters' mouse lemur Malagnira regionally endemic
Cheirogaleidae Mirza coquereli Coquerel's giant mouse lemur Kifonjitsy endemic
Cheirogaleidae Phaner pallescens Western fork-crowned lemur Tanta endemic
Lemuridae Lepilemur ruficaudatus Red-tailed sportive lemur Boenga endemic
Lemuridae Eulemur rufus Red lemur Gidro endemic
Hapalemuridae Hapalemur occidentalis Western grey bamboo lemur Bekolà regionally endemic
Daubentonidae Daubentonia madagascariensis Aye-aye Bekapaky endemic
Indriidae Avahi cleesei Bemaraha woolly lemur Dadintsifaka locally endemic
Indriidae Propithecus deckeni Van der Decken's sifaka Sifaka regionally endemic


Bemaraha is home to five bat families:

Family Scientific name English name Malagasy name Endemicity
Pteropodidae Pteropus rufus Madagascan flying fox Fanihy endemic
Pteropodidae Eidolon dupreanum Madagascan fruit bat Angavo endemic
Pteropodidae Rousettus madagascariensis Madagascan rousette   endemic
Emballonuridae Emballonura atrata Peters's sheath-tailed bat Kinakina endemic
Emballonuridae Taphozous mauritianus Mauritian tomb bat Kinakina  
Hipposideridae Paratriaenops furculus formerly Triaenops furculus Trouessart’s trident bat Kinakina endemic
Hipposideridae Triaenops menamena formerly Triaenops rufus Rufous trident bat Kinakina endemic
Hipposideridae Hipposideros commersoni Commerson's leaf-nosed bat Kinakina  
Molossidae Otomops madagascariensis Madagascar free-tailed bat Kinakina endemic
Molossidae Chaerephon leucogaster Grandidier's free-tailed bat Kinakina endemic
Molossidae Mops leucostigma Malagasy white-bellied free-tailed bat Kinakina  
Vespertilionidae Miniopterus gleni Glen's long-fingered bat Kinakina endemic
Vespertilionidae Miniopterus majori Major's long-fingered bat Kinakina endemic
Vespertilionidae Miniopterus manavi Manavi long-fingered bat Kinakina endemic
Vespertilionidae Myotis goudoti Malagasy mouse-eared bat Kinakina endemic
Vespertilionidae Scotophilus tandrefana Western yellow bat Kinakina regionally endemic


Family Scientific name English name Malagasy name Endemicity
Viveridae Eupleres goudotii Falanouc Kary endemic
Viveridae Cryptoprocta ferox Fossa Fosa endemic
Viveridae Viverricula indica Small Indian civet Jaboady  
Herpestidae Galidia elegans occidentalis Malagasy ring-tailed mongoose Vontsira locally endemic


Family Scientific name English name Malagasy name Endemicity
Muridae Eliurus antsingy Tsingy tuft-tailed rat   regionally endemic
Muridae Eliurus myoxinus Dormouse tufted-tailed rat   endemic
Muridae Nesomys lambertoni Lowland red forest rat Kibojenjy locally endemic
Muridae Mus musculus House mouse Totozy  
Muridae Rattus rattus Black rat Voalavo  


Bemaraha is very rich in birds. 103 species can be found in the area:

Family Scientific name English name Malagasy name Endemicity
Accipitridae Accipiter henstii Henst's goshawk Firasabe or Fandrasabe endemic
Accipitridae Accipiter madagascariensis Madagascar sparrowhawk Firasa endemic
Accipitridae Aviceda madagascariensis Madagascar cuckoo-hawk Bobaka endemic
Accipitridae Buteo brachypterus Madagascar buzzard Hindry endemic
Accipitridae Circus macrosceles Malagasy harrier   endemic
Accipitridae Circus maillardi Réunion harrier Fanindry regionally endemic
Accipitridae Haliaeetus vociferoides Madagascar fish eagle Ankoay or Ankoy endemic
Accipitridae Machaeramphus alcinus Bat hawk Rehila endemic
Accipitridae Milvus aegyptius Yellow-billed kite Papango  
Accipitridae Polybroides radiatus Madagascar harrier-hawk Fihaka or Fihiaky endemic
Alaudidae Mirafra hova Madagascar lark Sorohitra endemic
Alcedinidae Alcedo vintsioides Madagascar kingfisher Vintsirano regionally endemic
Alcedinidae Ceyx madagascariensis or Corythornis madagascariensis Madagascar pygmy-kingfisher Vintsiala endemic
Anatidae Dendrocygna viduata White-faced whistling duck Tsiriry  
Anatidae Sarkidiornis melanotos Knob-billed duck Tsivongo-Arosy  
Anhingidae Anhinga melanogaster Oriental Darter Voronalavambozona  
Apodidae Apus barbatus African black swift Tsiditsidina  
Apodidae Apus melba Alpine swift Tsiditsidina  
Apodidae Cypsiurus parvus African palm swift Tsiditsidina  
Apodidae Zoonavena grandidieri Madagascar spinetail Tsiditsidina regionally endemic
Ardeidae Ardea cinerea Grey heron Vanokasira  
Ardeidae Ardea purpurea Purple heron Vanomena  
Ardeidae Ardeola idae Madagascar pond-heron Mpiandrivoditatatrafotsy endemic
Ardeidae Ardeola ralloides Squacco heron Mpiandrivoditatatra  
Ardeidae Bubulcus ibis Cattle egret Vorompotsy  
Ardeidae Butorides striatus Green-backed heron Vorompantsika  
Ardeidae Egretta ardesiaca Black heron Lombokomana  
Ardeidae Egretta dimorpha Dimorphic egret Vanofotsy regionally endemic
Ardeidae Ixobrychus minutus Common little bittern    
Campephagidae Coracina cinerea Madagascar cuckoo-shrike Vorondavenona regionally endemic
Caprimulgidae Caprimulgus madagascariensis Madagascar nightjar Matoriandro regionally endemic
Charadriidae Charadrius hiaticula Common ringed plover Vikiviky  
Charadriidae Charadrius tricollaris African three-banded plover Vikiviky  
Columbidae Oena capensis Namaqua dove Katoto  
Columbidae Streptopelia picturata Madagascar turtle-dove Domohina regionally endemic
Columbidae Treron australis Madagascar green pigeon Voronadabo-Fonimaitso regionally endemic
Coraciidae Eurystomus glaucurus Broad-billed roller Vorombaratra  
Corvidae Corvus albus Pied crow Goaika  
Cuculidae Centropus toulou Madagascar coucal Toloho regionally endemic
Cuculidae Coua coquereli Coquerel's coua Gory endemic
Cuculidae Coua cristata Crested coua Tivoky endemic
Cuculidae Coua gigas Giant coua Lejabe-Angojobe endemic
Cuculidae Coua ruficeps Red-capped coua Aliotse-Akoky endemic
Cuculidae Cuculus rochii Madagascar cuckoo Taotaonkafa endemic
Dicrirudae Dicrurus forficatus Crested drongo Railovy regionally endemic
Estrildidae Lonchura nana Madagascar mannikin Tsikirity endemic
Falconidae Falco concolor Sooty falcon Firasambalala endemic
Falconidae Falco newtoni Madagascar kestrel Hitsikitsika regionally endemic
Falconidae Falco zoniventris Banded kestrel Hitsikitsikala endemic
Hirundinidae Phedina borbonica Mascarene martin Tsiditsidina endemic
Leptosomatidae Leptosomus discolor Cuckoo-roller Vorondreo regionally endemic
Meropidae Merops superciliosus Olive bee-eater Kirikioka  
Monarchidae Terpsiphone mutata Madagascar paradise-flycatcher Tsingitry  
Motacillidae Motacilla flaviventris Madagascar wagtail Triotrio endemic
Nectarinidae Cinnyris notatus or Nectarinia notata Madagascar green sunbird Soimangabe regionally endemic
Nectarinidae Cinnyris souimanga or Nectarinia souimanga Souimanga sunbird Soimangakely regionally endemic
Numididae Numida meleagris Helmeted guineafowl Akanga  
Phalacrocoracidae Microcarbo africanus Long-tailed cormorant Barafilo  
Phasianidae Coturnix delegorguei Harlequin quail Kibonaomby endemic
Phasianidae Margaroperdrix madagascariensis Tsipohy endemic
Philepittidae Philepitta schlegeli Schlegel's asity Asity endemic
Ploceidae Foudia madagascariensis Madagascar red fody Fody endemic
Podicipedidae Tachybaptus pelzelnii Madagascar grebe Vivy endemic
Podicipedidae Tachybaptus ruficollis Little grebe Vivy  
Psittacidae Agapornis canus Grey-headed lovebird Karaoke-Sarivazo endemic
Psittacidae Coracopsis nigra Lesser vasa parrot Bolokikely  
Psittacidae Coracopsis vasa Greater vasa parrot Bolokibe  
Pteroclididae Pterocles personatus Madagascar sandgrouse Katakatra endemic
Pycnonotidae Bernieria madagascariensis Long-billed bernieria   endemic
Pycnonotidae Hypsipetes madagascariensis Madagascar bulbul Tsikorovana  
Rallidae Canirallus kioloides Madagascar wood-rail Vorotrandraka endemic
Rallidae Dryolimnas cuvieri White-throated rail Tsikoza regionally endemic
Rallidae Gallinula chloropus Common moorhen Akohondrano  
Recurvirostridae Himantopus himantopus Black-winged stilt Takapaly  
Scolopacida Actitis hypoleucos Common sandpiper Vikiviky  
Scopidae Scopus umbretta Hamerkop Takatra  
Strigidae Asio madagascariensis Madagascar long-eared owl Hankà endemic
Strigidae Ninox superciliaris White-browed hawk-owl Tovotovoka endemic
Strigidae Otus rutilus Madagascar scops-owl Torotoroka regionally endemic
Sturnidae Hartlaubius auratus Madagascar starling Vorontainomby endemic
Sylvidae Acrocephalus newtoni Madagascar swamp-warbler Vorombatra endemic
Sylvidae Cisticola cherina Madagascar cisticola Tsintsina endemic
Sylvidae Neomixis tenella Common jery Jijy endemic
Sylvidae Nesillas typica Madagascar brush-warbler Poretaka regionally endemic
Sylvidae Newtonia brunneicauda Common newtonia Tretreka endemic
Threskiornithidae Lophotibis cristata Madagascar crested ibis Akohonala endemic
Turdidae Copsychus albospecularis Madagascar magpie-robin Fitatrala endemic
Turdidae Monticola sharpei Forest rock-thrush Androbaka endemic
Turdidae '   Vorombato regionally endemic
Turdidae Saxicola torquatus Common stonechat Fitadroranga  
Turnicidae Turnix nigricollis Madagascar buttonquail Kibobo endemic
Tytonidae Tyto alba Common barn-owl Vorondolo  
Upupidae Upupa marginata Madagascar hoopoe Takodara  
Vangidae Artamella viridis White-headed vanga Voromasiaka endemic
Vangidae Calicalicus madagascariensis Red-tailed vanga Totokarasoroka endemic
Vangidae Cyanolanius madagascarinus Blue vanga Patsatsatrala regionally endemic
Vangidae Falculea palliata Sickle-billed vanga Voronjaza endemic
Vangidae Leptopterus chabert Chabert's vanga Patsatsatra endemic
Vangidae Vanga curvirostris Hook-billed vanga Vangasoratra endemic
Zosteropidae Zosterops maderaspatanus Malagasy white-eye Fotsimaso regionally endemic


Bemaraha is the richest in reptile and amphibian species of all the deciduous forests in western Madagascar:

Family Scientific name English name Malagasy name Endemicity
Scincidae Amphiglossus reticulatus or "Amphiglossus waterloti" Madagascar giant water skink   endemic
Scincidae Amphiglossus ornaticeps Gray skink   endemic
Scincidae Trachylepis aureopunctata or Mabuya aureopunctata Gold-spotted mabuya   endemic
Scincidae Trachylepis dumasi or Mabuya dumasi (skink)   endemic
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