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Robert Makassar brochure

1 byte removed, 18:26, 6 December 2012
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1999: Opening of the first [[La_Chocolati%C3%A8re#La_Chocolati.C3.A8re.2C_Santa_building.2C_Antananarivo|La Chocolatière]] in the Santa Antanimena building in [[Antananarivo]].
2006: The dark 73% chocolate "Mora mora" produced by Chocolaterie Robert in partnership with Malagasy ltd. Ltd won the Silver Cup at the World Chocolate Award by the Chocolate Academy.
2008: Opening of [[La_Chocolati%C3%A8re#La_Chocolati.C3.A8re.2C_Ivato_International_Airport.2C_Antananarivo|La Chocolatière]] boutique in the departure area at [[Ivato International Airport]].

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