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'''Ambatoharanana is one of the many small villages located in the hilly countryside of the Merina region, 27 kilometres north of [[Antananarivo|Tana]]. Due to its idyllic and peaceful surrounding, Ambatoharanana is a very nice destination for day excursions by foot or bike. Suitable starting points are [[Ambohimanga]], [[Merimandroso]] or for a longer trek [[Ivato International Airport]].'''
[[File:Ambatoharanana 027.jpg|600px]]
Ambatoharanana is known for its Anglican Theological College, also named ''Saint Paul Theological College'', which opened in 1878. Already from a distance one can see the roofs of the ''Library Building'', which houses a library, a 968kg bell shipped from England, a museum, as well as classrooms and a private chapel for prayers before and after studies<!-- in the basement-->. In 2014, nine students attended the college where the priest training is done for five dioceses of Madagascar. The college is an annexe to Saint Laurent Ambohimanoro College. Once a year the students, teachers and headmaster of Ambohimanoro College go on a trip to the Saint Paul Theological College.