→Ambilobe to Ambanja
As usual, but especially today, an early start is recommended, partly as it's best to get out of the city before most of the traffic starts and partly because the longest stretch of any day lay ahead.
Close to Ambilobe there are plantations with cashew trees and shortly after leaving town numerous stalls selling freshly roasted cashew are offered in small stalls along the roadside. Unless buying in bulk, each tin-can full of cashew will cost 5,000 Ar (2019).
A nice lunch restaurant named Relax's Garden can be found at [[Filehttps:Eleonor_001//goo.gl/maps/jSqsxnbDf92KRa1k7 S 13°29.605' E048°39.jpg|600px]358']. However, there are usually not many guests here and so if you want something specially prepared, call Mme Mariamo at 032 34 397 49 to place an advance order when you leave in the morning or in the evening before. Alternatively, a popular truck-stop restaurant where there's always something in the pot can be found a few kilometres further on the left side of the road.
Tuesday, April 2, 2019 6:17 AM EAT<br>