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Coronavirus Madagascar

18 bytes removed, 18:24, 28 March 2020
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* 26 March 2020: 25,000 Coronavirus fast testing kits for which results can be obtained in minutes arrived from China yesterday night in the first wave of medical equipment from the [ Jack Ma Foundation]. The 3,500 passengers on all flights arriving in the country since 14th March will receive priority testing before their obligatory containment period ends on the 4th April. A second cargo plane with more equipment is expected today. A woman returning from an affected country was located at a hotel in [[Vohemar ]] yesterday and although the person does not have symptoms she is forced obliged to stay in the her hotel room for 14 days and make no contact with anyone. Ten other people who have who returned from France and Mauritus are in the SAVA region and quarantined in their homes. So far the health authorities hospitals in the region are not equipped to carry out Coronavirus tests. The evaluation is , so evaluations are based on the number of the subjects days of their state of health. Announcement Meanwhile, announcement are made from campaign cars driving around the towns of the SAVA region recommending residents to stay at home as much as possible. Many farmers living in small surrounding villages around Sambava and elsewhere chose choose to move to huts on their fields, not only to safeguard their crops as they often do throughout the vanilla growing season but also to avoid risk of Coronavirus exposure, although the closest confirmed Coronavirus case to date is in [[Tamatave ]] which is over 500km overland and cannot be reached by road or by air at this time.

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