Madacamp banners

Revision as of 15:58, 2 May 2024 by CampMaster (talk | contribs)

Revision as of 15:58, 2 May 2024 by CampMaster (talk | contribs)

The first time a site visitor accesses, a randomly selected banner is displayed. The banner rotation thereafter alternates between different advertisers every couple of seconds in a fixed display order. Below are examples of banners currently on display as well banners that have been on display on MadaCamp in the past.

There are two banner versions, one is displayed when the site is accessed with a regular PC or laptop and another when the site is accessed with a mobile device, such as a smartphone or tablet (Ipad etc.).

After the user left the site and eventually returns at a later time or date, the banner continues in the order where it was left. Or if the site visitor paused the animation via the STOP button below the banner, the animation will remain paused on revisiting the site and will not switch over to the next banner automatically unless or until the user clicks NEXT or AUTO again.

The NEXT and BACK buttons allow site visitors to click through advertised offers to easier find what they have seen before and may therefore be looking for again.